Olympic Games 1900 Paris

2nd Olympiad


Sports: 20

Events: 90

National Teams: 28

Participants: 1,224

28 Participating Countries

olympic games 1900 paris team swiss

1900 Team Switzerland, winners of matches revolver 50 m

1 Argentinia 11 Great Britain & Irland 21 Norway
2 Australia 12 Greece  22 Peru
3 Austria 13 Haiti 23 Romeania
4 Belgium 14 Hungary 24 Russia
5 Bohemia 15 India 25 Spain
6 Canada 16 Iran 26 Sweden 
7 Cuba 17 Italy   27 Switzerland
8 Denmark 18 Luxembourg 28 U.S.A.
9 France 19 Mexico
10 Germany 20 The Netherlands 

Other Olympic Participating Countries:
