At the Olympic Games of London, 1908, there were 22 challenge prizes
awarded, viz.,
that presented by:

1) H. M. the King of Greece .......................... for the Marathon

2) M:me G. DE MONTGOMEY ...................Throwing the Discus, best

3) The GOLD SILVERSMITHS co...............Wrestling, Heavy
4) H.R.H., the Prince of Wales .......................100 kilometres
Cycle Race

5) The English Football Association..................Football

6) The Englisch Fencers...................................Fencing;
Team competition with èpèe

7) The City of Prague ..................................... for Gymnastics,
Individual competition
8) The HURLINGHAM CLUB .............
9) Count BRUNETTA D'USSEAUX............ Rowing, Eights
10) Count BRUNETTA D'USSEAUX............ Swimming,
1,500 metres, free style

11) Lord WESTBURY ................................... Clay Bird Shooting,
Individual competition
12) The French Government............................. Yacht
Racing, 6 metres' class.
Of these prizes, those for the 100 kilometres' cycle race and the polo
competition could not be awarded at the Olympic Games of Stockholm, the
events in question not forming part of the programme of the Fifth Olympiad.
For this Olympiad, however, there were instituted 10 new prizes, so that,
at the Games of Stockholm, there were awarded no less than 20 challenge
The newly presented prizes were those given by:
13) H. M. the King of Sweden ........................... for the
Pentathlon competition.
14) H. M. the Emperor of Russia.........................for the Decathlon
15) The City of Buda-Pesth ................................for the
Fencing; Team competition with sabre
16) H. M. the Emperor
of Germany...........for the Military
17) H. M. the Emperor of Austria ...................for
the Prize Riding
18) Count GEZA ANDRASSY .........................for the Prize Jumping,
Individual competition
19) H. M. the King of Italy .................................for
the Prize Jumping, Team competition

20) The Swedish Cavalry ................................ to
that nation whose representatives
obtained the best total result in all
the Horse Riding competitions
21) Baron P. DE COUBERTIN ..................... for the
Modern Pentathlon
22) The Countess DE CASA MIRANDA.........for the High
Plain Dive for Ladies.
In addition to this, two Sevres vases were presented by the President
of the French Republic, and they were afterwards given to the National
Association of the Swedish Gymnastic and Athletic Clubs, and the Swedish
Central Association for the Promotion of Athletics.

Sévre Vase
Sévre Dish
The following regulations respecting the handing over of the challenge
prizes were included in the General Rules of the Games:
"Challenge prizes will not be handed over unless the winner and at
least two members of the Olympic Committee concerned give a written obligation
- signed on a form provided by the Swedish Olympic Committee - to deliver
the prize before January Ist, 1916, in an undamaged condition to the Organisation
Committee for the next Olympic Games, and to make good any damage to the
prize in question."
The wording of the Guarantee in question was as follows:
won a Challenge
Cup for................... the Olympic
Games of Stockholm, 1912, and the said Challenge Cup having been delivered
to us through the Swedish Olympic Committee, we hereby engage, jointly
and separately, and in agreement with the regulations of the International
Olympic Committee, to deliver the prize in uninjured condition into the
hands of the International Olympic Committee or the Organizing Committee
for the next Olympiad beffore the first of January, 1916, and tomake good
any damage to the said prize that may happen to it during the period, 15th
July, 1912, and Ist January, 1916.
........................... Name of Winner
........................... Representatives of the ..................Olympic
(Source document: Official
Report 1912 page 164 ff) |
Marathon Race
Throwing the Discus,
best hand
Fencing, team comp., Ppee
" Sabre
Gymnastics, ind. competition
Prize Riding
Prize Jumping, ind. comp.
" "
team cornp
Horse Riding Comps.
Modern Pentathlon
Rowing, eights
Clay Bird Shooting, ind. competition
Swimming, 1,500 metres
Ladies' High Diving
Wrestling, heavy weight
Yacht Racing, 6-metre class |
Presented by
H. M. the King of Sweden
H. M. the Emperor of Russia
H. M. the King of Greece
M:me G. de Montgomery
The British Fencers
The City of Buda-Pesth
The Football Association
The City of Prague
H. M. the Emperor of Germany
H. M. the Emperor of Austria
Count Geza Andrassy
H. M. the King of Italy
The Swedish Cavalry
Baron P. de Coubertin
Count Brunetta d'Usseaux
Lord Westbury
Count Brunetta d'Usseaux
Countess de Casa Miranda
The Gold & Silversmiths C:o
The French Government |
Won by
F. R. Bie, Norway
H. Wieslander, Sweden
K. K. Me Arthur, South Africa
A. R. Taipale, Finland
Great Britain
G. A. Braglia, Italy
Count C. Bonde, Sweden
Captain J. Cariou, France
G. Lilliehöök, Sweden
Great Britain
J. R. Graham, United States
G. Hodgson, Canada
Greta Johansson, Sweden
U. Saarela, Finland
G. Thube and G. Fitau, France |